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Shine Like a Star: Pasadena SC Student-Athlete Spotlight!

Calling all Pasadena Soccer Club parents!

Is your child a rising star, both on the field and in the classroom? Nominate them for our weekly student-athlete spotlight!

Each week, we’ll celebrate the achievements of one incredible PSC player who excels in academics and sportsmanship.

How to nominate:

  1. Email: Send an email to with the subject line “Student-Athlete Spotlight – [Player Name].”
  2. Photos: Include a high-resolution photo of your child in their PSC uniform.
  3. Accomplishments: Briefly detail their recent achievements in both academics (grades, awards, etc.) and on the field (goals scored, leadership roles, etc.).

Selection criteria:

  • Academic excellence
  • Sportsmanship and dedication
  • Positive attitude and contributions to the team

Benefits of being featured:

  • Social media exposure: Your child’s photo and achievements will be shared on our Facebook, Instagram, and website, reaching a wide audience.
  • Community recognition: Showcase your child’s talent and hard work to the entire Pasadena SC community.
  • Motivation and inspiration: Encourage other young athletes to strive for excellence both on and off the field.

Don’t miss this chance to celebrate your child’s accomplishments! Nominate them today!

#PasadenaSC #StudentAthleteSpotlight #ShineBright

P.S. We encourage nominations from all age groups and skill levels. Every player has a story to tell!